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How to train Dogs and Cats to live together?

15 Aug


The perception that dogs and cats don’t get along well isn’t always true. It is possible for canines and felines to live together peacefully under one roof.  But, rather than being impulsive about the decision of bringing home a new pet cat, it’s important to give this idea some thought. Here are few tips to help you decide whether or not you should bring home a new cat and how you can train your canine and feline companions to live together harmoniously.

Early Socialization

Dogs when they are exposed to cats, during their early years of growing up, are more likely to be comfortable in the company of a cat in their adult life. So, if you don’t have any pets already but plan to bring home a dog and a cat, it’s always better to adopt them together, when they are still young. Growing up together they will develop a bond and be more comfortable in each other’s presence.

Finding the Right Match

Does your dog act aggressive towards other animals? If your dog  picks up fight with other animals or has injured a smaller animal in the past, then getting home a cat is perhaps not the best option for you. If you don’t have a dog already and have plans of adopting both cats and dogs, then it’s better to go for a cat-friendly and less aggressive breed. This post by Animal Planet about the Top 10 Cat-friendly Dog Breeds. can help you decide the breed that you can go for.

If you have a cat-friendly pooch, then it’s time to search for a perfect feline companion.  Like dogs, cats that have been exposed to dogs, when they are 1-2 months old and in the early socialization phase are more likely to fit into a household with dogs. Whether you are getting a kitten or an older cat, look for dog-friendly traits. The cat should remain calm and confident around dogs, and not run away out of fear and encourage a chase.

Introducing the Two

Introducing dogs and cats takes time. So, it’s important to be patient, and not force the two to be together. Do not ignore your existing pet while your try to accommodate the new one into your life. Here are few things that you can do to ensure that the introduction process goes smoothly.

  • Set up a dog-free zone for your kitty, preferably a room with a small door or gate that your dog cannot enter. Place the food and water bowls, the litter box and your cat’s bed and toys  in this room. Your cat is less likely to feel stressed and scared  if she has a secure place that she can retreat to away from the dog’s reach.
  • Let the two animals meet each other for brief periods initially and gradually increase the exposure, For instance, you can keep the cat confined to a room with a closed door and let your dog get used to the scent of the cat. When they are settled with that, you can allow the two to see each other through a barrier. Then, allow them to meet each other in a neutral room, keeping your dog on leash and keeping your cat away from the dog’s biting range. Keep repeating this for several days or weeks, until the two get comfortable being in the room together.

Dogs and cats are different each with their own personality quirks, likes and dislikes. By giving them personal space and by creating a comfortable and friendly environment where they feel loved and taken care of, you can help nurture a friendly relationship between the two.

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Lights, Camera, Woof!

31 May


Wondering what to do over the weekend? Are the rains spoiling your plans of having some outdoor fun with your pooch? It’s time to snuggle up with your dog and watch some drool-worthy dog movies.  Here are some of our favorite ones.

Hachi: A Dog’s Tale

Starring Richard Gere, Hachi: A Dog’s Tale is based on the true life story of a Japanese Professor and his beloved dog Hachiko. A poignant tale about the unconditional love and faithfulness of dogs, this movie will tug at your heart strings and make you feel blessed about having a four-legged friend to share your life with.

Marley and Me

Starring Jennifer Aniston, Owen Wilson and Kathleen Turner, Marley and Me is based on author John Grogan’s best-selling autobiographical book.  A must-watch for all dog-owners, this movie presents the challenges faced by a young couple after they get home a rambunctious Labrador puppy named Marley. Despite his naughty personality, Marley becomes an adored member of the house, teaching the family some valuable lessons about life.


Yet another family drama, Beethoven is the first movie in the Beethoven film series. The story revolves around the Newton family and their dog Beethoven, a Saint Bernard. When a local veterinarian Dr. Herman Varnick, involved in unethical animal experimentation, tries to kill Beethoven for his latest experiment; the family springs into action to rescue their beloved pet.

Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey 

Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993) is a remake of the 1963 film The Incredible Journey, which was based on the best-selling novel The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford. An uplifting adventure story, this movie chronicles the lives of two dogs and a cat as they escape from a ranch in California to find their owners in San Francisco.

My Dog Skip

Based on the autobiographical book My Dog Skip by Willie Morris, this movie revolves around the life of Willie, who as a shy school boy finds it difficult to make new friends and becomes a victim of bullying at school. Willie’s parents get him a terrier puppy named Skip for his ninth birthday. Skip completely turns around Willie’s life and helps him forge new friendships.

Which other dog movies did you enjoy watching?  Do share them with us in the comments.

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Wisdom of the Woofs – Life Lessons from Dogs

24 May

dog sunset

They make us healthier, they make us happier. They fill our lives with love and joy. Our dogs teach us countless lessons about life. Take a look at some of them here.

Wag away your Worries

Ever seen your dog worrying about the future? No wonder our pets are much happier than us. Learn to live in the present moment, to be happy and sniff out negative thoughts about the future.

Express Gratitude

A bowl of food and some quality time with you is all your pooch needs to be happy.  You may dream to have a bigger house, a better job, a fancier car; but don’t forget to be grateful for the things that you already have. While you are busy running errands and dealing with the difficult challenges of day-to-day life, take time out to appreciate the beauty around you and enjoy the simple joys of life.

Forgive and Forget

You scream at your dog for damaging the furniture or soiling the carpet. Feeling all guilty and sad, he retreats to a quiet corner in the house. But, the very next moment you find him resting his head on your lap and running happily in the garden while you water the plants. Holding on to grudges doesn’t serve you in any way. Learn to forget your past mistakes and forgive people for having hurt you in any way.

Make others Happy

After a tiring day at work, do you look forward to meeting your pooch standing in the hallway, wagging his tail and with a wide grin on his face that says, “I am so glad you are here”? Dogs definitely know how to make others happy and love people unconditionally. Wouldn’t this world be a brighter place if everyone greeted others with the same level of enthusiasm and made sincere effort to express unconditional love?

Take a Nap

Dogs love to sleep. While we can’t afford to take naps as frequently as our pooches, we can definitely set aside 10-15 minutes a day to relax, meditate and catch a few winks. Even research shows that taking a 15-30 minute nap during the day refreshes our mind and makes us feel more creative and alert.

Walk Regularly

Dogs know how to laze around the house, but they also know how to walk, run and give their bodies a good workout. Your pooch looks forward to his daily walks and it’s time that you start enjoying them too.


Dogs are naturally fun-loving and playful. Whether young or old, they never let go of an opportunity to tug on a toy or take on an outdoor activity. Let your dog be a reminder that playfulness is an essential part of your adult life. It’s time to let your hair down and engage in the activities that bring you true joy.

Be Yourself

Dogs never shy away from being their genuine self. They are not scared to express their funny, goofy and weird self. In this world where everyone’s trying to be somebody they are not, it takes courage to let our real self shine through. Your dog could be your  inspiration for being your authentic self and for embracing differences in others.

What other lessons does your dog teach you about life? Do share them with us in the comments.

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