Archive | February, 2012

My Dog’s Name

29 Feb

Update: Thank you all for sharing the beautiful stories behind your dog’s name! “Jhappi” you get to take away a special gift!!

My dog’s name is Monk. Pretty unusual people say and they ask… it like the Buddhist Monks? is it because he is very docile by nature? some have even asked (pretty sure jokingly!) if it’s because he’s taken a vow of celibacy. I just laugh off and say….nope nothing deep like that!

So here’s people to tell you, why Monk is called Monk!

He’s named after “Adrian Monk”…..yup the famous detective who I absolutely adore for his highly obsessive compulsive ways!

Those who know Mr. Monk know what I am talking about and for others….well its a detective show (you may catch its re-runs on Star World) where the star of the show Mr. Adrian Monk is an exceptionally gifted detective with a quirk….he suffers from OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). I was such an ardent follower of the show (and to confess a bit obsessive compulsive myself) and loved the character of Adrian Monk so much that when the show ended….I decided well if I ever get a dog he’s going to be named MONK!

SO yes, years before this cute little love entered our lives….his name was decided. He was Monk from day one!….and it just suits him perfectly! I cannot imagine him having any other name….Milo, Fido, Jimmy, Jackie…..nope he’s a Monk alright.

Yes, a little unusual and unique, but so is he 🙂

What did you name your dog?  Share your dog’s name and the story behind it below (as comments). One of the stories will be selected to be featured on our blog and will also get a special gift from Woofilicious!

Doritos and the doggies again!

6 Feb

Looks like the people at DORITOS love doggies as much as we do! In their Crash The Super Bowl Ad contest, three of the five finalist ads had dogs.

Check out all 3 here: 




Only one ad will win and will be the one aired during the Super Bowl commercials this year….. hope its our fav “Man’s Best Friend” !! You can check out the other 2 finalists on their website