Archive | January, 2012

Caption It Crazy!

20 Jan

Contest Closed!

And the winning entry goes to Nigreats!!

Every week we’ll bring you a funny, weird, stupid, crazy pet pic….all you gotta do is caption it. The best caption that makes that picture absolutely hilarious wins a cool little gift for their pet!

SO without further adieu, here goes the first one….let your imagination run wild and give us the craziest caption as a comment below!

I love you my dear dog, but let’s make this clear….

18 Jan

Funny Pet Rules!!

  • The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate of food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.
  • The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn’t help because I fall faster than you can run.
  • I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.
  • For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years –canine attendance is not mandatory.
  • The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog’s butt. I cannot stress this enough!

(Photo source:

“The Artist” Uggie

17 Jan

Can a dog really act? Can he interpret scenes and show emotions on command? Not sure if a dog can really do that, but Uggie definitely steals the show!

Meet Uggie, the star of this year’s award winning movie “The Artist” and winner of the Palm Dog Award 2011 at the Cannes Film Festival. At Sunday’s Golden Globe Awards, all eyes were on this 9 year old Jack Russel Terrier as he trotted down the red carpet, posed for the shutterbugs, and stopped for interviews.

As his movie “The Artist” won 3 Golden Globes on Sunday, Uggie easily overshadowed all his co-stars and even the acceptance speech by producer Thomas Langmann as the whole crowd oohed and awww’d at his antics on stage. Looking very dapper in a black bow tie, Uggie even posed with the award. It definitely felt like he understood what all the hoopla was about and seemed to revel in his new found fame!

Having previously done quite a few movies and commercials, Uggie was already known for his roles in Mr. Fix It and Water for Elephants. But it was his remarkable performance and sheer aww factor in the silent movie “The Artist” that catapulted Uggie to the fame rarely known to the canine world.

Uggie even has a facebook  page called Consider Uggie started by an editor at Movieline as an unofficial awards campaign  for Uggie’s brilliant performance in “The Artist”. An honorary Oscar maybe?

(Top pictures: Uggie at the Golden Globes Awards, Last pic: A scene from the silent movie “The Artist”)

Beer… for your dog sir?

11 Jan

Dog owners in South Gosforth, Newcastle need not look farther than their feet for a drinking buddy. A pub in New Castle is now selling specially brewed beer for their canine customers!

picture courtesy

Would you get one for your furry buddy?? Check out the story here.

Pug Attack – DORITOS Commercial

10 Jan

This one’s absolutely hilarious! Bet you can’t stop at one….not talking about eating Doritos but watching this ad. You will end up replaying it again and again!!


They look small and cute and super adorable but all of us who own a pug know…..Don’t Mess With The Pug!! 🙂

And the winner is…..

9 Jan

The shoe size up for grabs was Size 6!

We got two claims matching the size…..Priyanka Shukla’s dog and Prachi Ghag’s Platina. But there was only  one Cinderella to whom the glass slipper belonged….and here also there can only be one lucky dog whose paw will fit the shoe. And as per the rules, the first paw matching the size gets it!

Priyanka Shukla…..your dog is the lucky winner of our Cinderella contest!!! Email us your phone number and shipping address along with a picture of your furry baby at

Prachi and all others who sent their entries….stay tuned. We have lots of fun contests coming up where you can win fab goodies for your pampered pups!

A Cinderella Story Contest is now closed!

8 Jan

The contest is closed. We will now measure all the dainty paws and find the lucky winner for whom these booties are waiting! The winner will be announced tomorrow right here!

Contest: A Cinderella Story!…..(for boys too!)

4 Jan

These oh so retro shoes are looking for their furry Prince/Princess. The paw that matches the size takes them home!

Post your dog’s paw measurement (width, length) as a comment below. The first measurement that matches the contest prize shoe size takes them home!! Contest closes on Sunday 8th Jan, 10 PM.

*You can refer the “How to measure your dog guide” here or search the web for the same, if you need help with measuring your dog’s paw.

**Please not that the number 5 shown above is only for image purpose and not necessarily the winning shoe size.

“I Am Your Dog…….”

2 Jan

“I AM YOUR DOG, and I have a little something I would like to whisper in your ear.

I know that humans lead busy lives. Some have to work. Some have children to raise. It always seems like you are running here and there, often much too fast, often never noticing the truly grand things in life.

Look down at me now, while you sit there at your computer. See the way my dark brown eyes look at yours. They are slightly cloudy now. That comes with age. The grey hairs are beginning to ring my soft muzzle.

You smile at me; I see love in your eyes. What do you see in mine?

Do you see a spirit? A soul inside, who loves you as no other in the world could? A spirit that would forgive all trespasses of prior wrongdoing for just a simple moment of your time?

That is all I ask. To slow down, if even for a few minutes to be with me.

So many times, you have been saddened by the words you read on the screen, of other of my kind, passing. Sometimes we die young and oh so quickly, sometimes so suddenly it wrenches your heart out of your throat. Sometimes, we age so slowly before your eyes that you may not even seem to know until the very end, when we look at you with grizzled muzzles and cataract clouded eyes. Still the love is always there, even when we must take that long sleep, to run free in a distant land.

I may not be here next week. Someday you will shed the water from your eyes, that humans have when deep grief fills their souls, and you will be angry at yourself that you did not have just “One more day” with me. Because I love you so, your sorrow touches my spirit and grieves me. We have NOW, together.

So come, sit down here next to me on the floor, and look deep into my eyes. What do you see? If you look hard and deep enough we will talk, you and I, heart to heart.

Come to me not as “alpha” or as “trainer” or even “Mom or Dad”, come to me as a living soul and stroke my fur and let us look deep into one another’s eyes, and talk.

I may tell you something about the fun of chasing a tennis ball, or I may tell you something profound about myself or even life in general. You decided to have me in your life because you wanted a soul to share such things with.

Someone very different from you, and here I am.

I am a dog, but I am alive. I feel emotion, I feel physical senses, and I can revel in the differences of our spirits and souls. I do not think of you as a “Dog on two feet”- I know what you are. You are human, in all of your quirkiness, and I love you still.

Now, come sit with me on the floor. Enter my world, and let time slow down if only for 15 minutes. Look deep into my eyes, and whisper to my ears. Speak with your heart, with your joy, and I will know your true self.

We may not have tomorrow, and life is oh so very short.”

–Love, (your dog)
Author Unknown


Straight from a dog’s heart…… I came across this beautiful poem that urges you to slow down, to enjoy the simpler things in life, to stop every once in a while and spend time with those who you love the most, for time never stops for anyone. 

As the New Year 2012 begins, I now know what my resolution for this year is……do you know yours?